"The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight."
Mark 1:3 KJV
God has written the destiny for your life in your book that is stored with the volumes of books in the library of heaven.
Through the person of Jesus Christ and through His life given as a ransom for many, you are being restored into an intimate relationship with the Father. After your salvation experience, you will be able to discover your true identity which is found completely and solely in Him. Through pursuit of intimacy with Jesus, you will discover God's destiny and plan for your life on the Earth. Finally, through salvation in Jesus Christ, your name is inscribed in the palms of His hands and written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and His name is written on your forehead and in your heart.
Writing in the Sand is a collection of written materials and study guides inspired by the Holy Spirit and the written Word of God. These books will help you mature in your intimate relationship with the Lord from being a newborn Christian to becoming the beautiful Bride of Jesus Christ, adorned with His beauty and glory, enabling you to fulfill your destiny in Him on the Earth.
"And he went thither to Naioth in Ramah; and The Spirit of God was upon him also, and he went on, and prophesied, until he came to Naioth in Ramah." - 1 Samuel 19:23
Kings Chosen Children is a Holy Spirit inspired curriculum for children's church, VBS, or for Bible study for Christian school or home-school.
Each manual contains a three month curriculum, with a focused theme including exciting Bible stories, targeted Bible memory verse, powerful prayer, dramatic skits, and a variety of fun crafts and activities. These themes will develop intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit NOW!!!
Children will grow spiritually and discover their identities and destinies in the Lord so they can activate the Kingdom of God in their lives to change the world.
"For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
...and JUSTICE for ALL
...and JUSTICE for ALL is a 30 day journey to know Yehovah, the Just Judge of the Universe.
From the courts of Heaven, Yehovah sits on the throne of justice. He hears the pleas and petitions presented to Him for justice by His people and reviews the evidence presented to Him by the enemy. As the blood of Jesus cries out on our behalf with a plea of innocent, the Just Judge of the Universe releases a verdict of not guilty and decrees justice for all.
Within this course of study, you will discover the One True God, Yehovah as a God of Justice, a defender of the poor and oppressed, and a God of righteousness. You will encounter Yehovah, His Character, His Nature, and His Ways as a righteous, powerful judge who decrees and releases righteous verdicts to His people.
Communion with God is a 30 day discovery guide to help you develop deeper intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ through partaking of the sacrifice of His Body and Blood.
This discovery guide was designed to enhance your intimate relationship with God as you en-gage in communion with the Lover of your soul, Jesus.
There is communion in the Communion.
Revealing God the Father is a 30 day discovery of the one true God, YHWH.
This 30 day journey reveals the character, nature, and heart of the sovereign creator of the universe.
Our Heavenly Father loves you with an everlasting love and has created you to know Him intimately.
His desire is for you to know your identity in Him and fulfill the call, purpose, and destiny on your life.
Revealing God the Son is a 30 day discovery to help you encounter Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the Son of the Living God and the Savior of the world.
The heart, character, and nature of Jesus, Yeshua, is revealed through His eyes of love and compassion for you.
Discovering Jesus, the Son of God, through this study will draw you into deeper intimacy with the Lord. You will be empowered to know Him, to be transformed into His likeness, and to be commissioned to walk in signs, wonders, and miracles.
Revealing God the Holy Spirit is a 30 day discovery to help you encounter the third person of the Trinity, the precious Holy Spirit.
The power, creativity, and personality of the Holy Spirit is revealed to you through baptism of fire, manifestation of gifts, development of Godly character, and indwelling of His glorious presence.
Discovering the Holy Spirit through this study will help you truly know Him more intimately as your best friend. This study will facilitate a lifestyle of continuous communion and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, releasing the power and glory of the Godhead through your life.
The Blood of Jesus is a 30 day discovery of the price Jesus Christ paid with His body and blood on the cross of Calvary.
This study of the Word of God will reveal the life giving power of the Blood of Jesus for salvation, healing, deliverance, and victory.
Applying the Blood of Jesus to your life through the spoken Word of God will empower you to be victorious in every area of your life and bring you into deeper intimacy with the Lamb of God, Jesus.
There is power in the Blood!
A Heart of True Repentance is a Bible study based on Psalm 51. This Biblical study was inspired by the Jewish holy days of Teshuva, a forty day time of repentance before Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement.
In Psalm 51, King David of Israel was crying out to Almighty God for His mercy and forgiveness for committing the sins of adultery and murder.
In this 30-day Bible study, you will discover how a heart of true repentance manifests in the life of an individual who is crying out for restoration and intimacy with God. This study takes you on a journey from separation from God, to confession of sin, to obtaining mercy and forgiveness, to deliverance from generational sin, to restoration of intimacy with God and finally transitioning into the fullness of your identity and destiny in Christ.
Praise, Pray, & Proclaim is a collection of daily declarations for life. This booklet will help you set the course for your day by praising God, proclaiming selected Psalms and praying scripturally guided prayers over yourself and your family.
Prayers of faith include: applying the Blood of Jesus, putting on the armor of God, releasing the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, releasing Holy angels to partner with you, and more.
These daily declarations will help you align your life with the Word of God and the will of God. You will be transformed, by the truth of God's Word, into your identity and destiny in Him.
His Joy, My Strength is a thirty day journey into the Joy of the Lord. This study is comprised of scriptures and teachings that will reveal Jesus as Joy personified.
Come journey through the Old and New Testaments and discover the fulness of the joy of the Lord. As you unearth these hidden truths in the Word of God, you will encounter JESUS OVERWHELMING YOU with His exhilarating love.
Through this study you will discover that joy is a person, His name is Jesus. Knowing Jesus intimately will empower you with His strength. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
The Great I Am is a 30 day journey to know the One True God as the I AM THAT I AM.
In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself as I AM to Abraham, the Father of the Jewish faith. Through an intimate covenant relationship with Abraham, God revealed Himself as the Great I AM, the God of signs, wonders, and miracles. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior of the world, reveals Himself as I AM, the Son of the Living God.
In the course of this study you will discover the Heavenly Father as the Great I AM and Jesus, as I AM in the flesh. Through the oneness of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, you will encounter the One True God, the Great I AM THAT I AM.
The Zerubbabel Call
Are you ready for the global outpouring of the glory of God?
We are standing on the threshold of the door to the greatest outpouring of God’s glory since the beginning of creation! If you want to prepare for what God is doing in these last days, you must be able to discern the Times and Seasons of the Cyrus anointing and The Zerubbabel Call. From this revelation, you must prepare yourself through bridal intimacy to become the holy temple of the Lord carrying God’s glory.
,This book uncovers hidden truths about The Zerubbabel Call and how it applies to you today. Journey back to the days of Zerubbabel to obtain the Biblical blueprints of how to rebuild the temple of the Lord in you!
This captivating book reveals hidden truths including:
Who was Zerubbabel and why is he important to you?
What are the Biblical blueprints to rebuild the temple of the Lord in you?
What are the five pillars that uphold your temple?
How does the Zerubbabel Call usher in bridal intimacy with Jesus?
What is the true justice of the Lord?
Who are the priests in the temple today?
Transformed by His Love takes you on a journey to discover the fullness of God's love and how it will dynamically alter your way of life.
This 30 day study reveals the Biblical definitions of love, the benefits of receiving Holy love, and how to demonstrate His love to others. Each day offers a chance to pause and reflect on its lesson along with a prayer to draw you closer to Him.
He loves you deeply!
Everything in the Old Testament reveals who our Heavenly Father is, His great love for His people, and His plan for all mankind. The New Testament reveals the same truths expressed through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Every teaching in the Old Testament has a complementary teaching in the New Testament, which reveals greater depth and understanding.
The Ten Commandments Bible study illustrates God's heart to express His love, bestow His blessings and fulfill His promises to His people through providing boundaries of safety and protection.
Walking in the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. Under-standing and living with an attitude of respect, reverence, and awe of the Lord brings the blessings and promises of God into our lives. Recognizing and being aware of the magnificence, majesty, and magnitude of who God is ushers us into the reverential fear of the Lord. Practicing the fear of the Lord brings us into deeper bridal intimacy with Jesus, our Bridegroom King.
This Bible study reveals the depths of understanding the true fear of the Lord from Genesis to Revelation.
Being transformed into the image of Jesus is a process that begins in the heart. By studying the Word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out, we are transformed from our old sin nature into the character and nature of God.
God's desire is to have sons and daughters who exemplify His character, His nature, and His image. When we allow the transformation process to occur in our lives, we will begin to be more like Him, Transformed into Him Image.
This Bible study will take you on the journey of transformation into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.