"The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight."
Mark 1:3 KJV
"So he went there to Naioth in Ramah.
Then the Spirit of God was upon him also, and he went on and prophesied until he came to Naioth in Ramah."
1 Samuel 19:23 NKJV
Naioth, “School of the Prophets”, releases powerful Biblical teachings and fresh revelation from the Word of God to encourage believers to develop bridal intimacy with Yaweh Ish, God our Husband.
We are awakening the Bride of Yeshua, Jesus, to become completely surrendered to Him, become one with Him, become clothed in His glory, and become equipped as the warrior Bride, moving in the power and authority of God, for the great harvest of souls.
Prophet, South Africa
Andre Vaynol is a pastor and prophet from South Africa.
He has released many life-changing words from the Lord to individual people, cities, states, nations, pastors, and governmental leaders.
He has ministered in Charlotte, NC, the Eastern United States, Texas, and The White House, as well as many nations around the world.
Pastor Andre has written several books to help believers in Jesus Christ to grow spiritually. He also has an online school of prophetic ministry.
Visit his website at
Pastor, Australia
Tom Inglis is recognized by many as an apostle of worship who carries a prophetic word that is fresh and relevant for the church today. He has travelled into many nations teaching the message of ‘worship as a lifestyle’ and is considered by many as a pioneer in this area. Those who hear Tom speak on the subject recognise the prophetic anointing and authority he carries in this area in relation to the role of worship and revival in the church. In 1984 Tom had an unusual encounter with the Lord in his study for about forty minutes where the vision of The Worshiping Church & Psalmody Schools was birthed.
Psalmody is a biblical and revelatory study into worship as a lifestyle and how that affects the life of every believer and the church body. You will learn how your worship is related to changing circumstances, healing, giving, revival, evangelism, and many more things in the Kingdom of God. It is available as a 13-week group course as well as online for individual study.
Visit Tom Inglis' Psalmody website at